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Import & export product data (Seller)

(updating in process)

Streamline your inventory management by making bulk edits to stock levels, sales channels, and other product-related information. Whether you need a comprehensive product overview or wish to update specific details, this functionality caters to your needs. Here's a guide on how to make the most of it.

Importing product data

Start by navigating to Inventory > All products and click on Import' button. Screen Recording 2024-07-24 at 11.15.43.gif

Within this 'Import' section, you can seamlessly import products categorized into 3 distinct groups.

Please note that for each category you can only import spreadsheet files. Screen Recording 2024-07-24 at 12.15.09.gif

1. Parent products:

Parent products - All products

In the Parent products section, click ‘Upload parent product data…’. Choose a product identifier (EAN or SKU) and add at least one more field. You can select multiple fields as required. Then, click 'Start import' and wait for the import process to complete. The duration will vary based on the number of products being updated.

import stock.gif

2. Bundle products:

In the Bundle products section, click ‘Upload parent product data…’. Choose the main EAN, the Sub product/s EAN and the amount. You can include as many columns as you like.test 3 .gif

3. Child products: 

Use this import to manage API products:

  • Bulk Delete: In the Excel “delete” column, add ‘1’ for the API products you wish to remove.
  • Bulk Stock Sync: In the Excel “sync” column, set to ‘0’ to turn stock sync off and ‘1’ to turn it on.


Exporting product data

Start by navigating to Inventory > All products and click on 'Export' button. 

Within this 'Export' section, you can seamlessly import and export products categorized into 3 distinct groups.

Please note that you can only import spreadsheet files. 

1. Parent products:
  • Click on 'Export Products' to download your product data or opt to download it at a later time. The exported file is securely stored in ChannelDock, serving as a backup for your records.
  • This file can be edited with updated information from your warehouse or sales channels, and then imported back into ChannelDock.
  • To Import bundle products, navigate to 'Upload product data...'. Select which fields you wish to import. You can include as many columns as you like but It's mandatory to include the 'EAN' column and at least one other column. 
2. Bundle products:
  • Navigate to and click 'Export Bundle Products.' The file will be automatically downloaded. The exported file IT IS NOT stored in ChannelDock. 
  • To Import products, navigate to 'Upload bundle product data...'. Select which fields you wish to import. It's mandatory to include the 'EAN' column and at least one other column. 
3. Child products:
  • For importing or exporting 'Channel Products,' follow the steps outlined in number 2, as the process remains the same.

ChannelDock empowers you to efficiently manage your inventory data. Whether you're refining stock levels, updating specifics, or maintaining a comprehensive record of your offerings, these features simplify your workflow while ensuring accuracy.