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Product Information Management (PIM) guidance

This article outlines the steps for utilizing our Product Information Management system effectively.

Uploading an Existing Product from One Marketplace to Another

  1. Connect marketplace: Begin by navigating to Marketplaces->Listings. Here click "Add marketplace" to connect the marketplace that contains your existing listings.

    Note: Once the PIM module is activated for your account, ChannelDock will automatically connect the marketplace within 2 hours making this step redundant.

    Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 13.02.39.png

  2. Download Content: For the connected channel, click the "Action" button, select "Download content from the marketplace," and then "Import data to local product" (ChannelDock product).

    Because we have just 'Imported data to local product', ChannelDock will have more product data to work with when adding a new marketplace in the next step.

    Note: Once the PIM module is activated for your account, ChannelDock will automatically download the existing listing content from the marketplace making this step redundant.

    Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 17.36.47.png

  3. Add Marketplace and Upload Product: Add the target marketplace for your product.product Fromby clicking on the "Media'Add Library,"marketplace' selectbutton. imagesIn this case we want to upload andthe product to Kaufland. ChannelDock will try to automatically fill in the requirednew "Attributes"listing forwith thisthe marketplace.existing Clickdata "Sync"on your 'local product'. Hence why we 'Imported data to uploadlocal product' earlier on.

    The final steps are to check the product.description, assets, and attributes. Once you are done you can click the 'Sync' switch to push the listing to the marketplace.

    Listing properties:
    - Title & description: ChannelDock will automatically try to translate the title and description from the local product into the language of the target marketplace.
    - Assets: Each marketplace has different asset types. You can upload new assets or select already uploaded images from the Media Library.
    - Attritbutes: Each marketplace category has different required and optional attributes. ChannelDock will autocomplete these attributes using AI. Be sure to check the attributes to see if the values are correct.
    - Price: For each marketplace you can setup a different price. At the moment ChannelDock does not offer automated pricing rules.
    - Stock level: While uploading the listing, ChannelDock will use the stock level that is available in the system.

    Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 18.04.43.png


  • Handling Errors:errors: 

     If not all required attributes are filled, the status "Error" will appear. Clicking on it will display a window with attributes that need adjustment. After adjustments, re-upload the product to the marketplace.

    Note: Amazon may take up to 5 minutes to record changes. Please wait before re-uploading.

    Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 18.20.45.png

Creating a New Product in ChannelDock and Uploading It to Marketplaces

  1. Add New Product: Navigate to Marketplaces-Listings, click "New Product," fill in all fields, and select "Add new product."Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 18.41.17.png

  2. Fill in Local Product Details: Enter the product description, upload images, add attributes, then "Add marketplace" and follow step 3 from the previous section. Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 18.45.30.png
  • Bulk Upload via Excel: Upload new products in bulk using Excel for efficient data management. For detailed instructions on importing data to ChannelDock, click hereScreenshot 2024-03-25 at 18.51.23.png

Need help?

Should you encounter any difficulties or have questions regarding the Product Information Management system, our support team is readily available to assist you. We're committed to ensuring a smooth and efficient experience with our platform. Please don't hesitate to contact us for personalized support or further information.