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Connect with

Connecting your shop(s) to ChannelDock is very easy and done within 4 minutes. Read how in this article.

  1. Log in to's seller portal.
  2. In the top right corner, click on your seller name and then 'Settings'.
  3. Click on 'API settings'.
  4. If this is the first time you are creating API keys for your account, you may need to fill in the details of a technical contact. Enter your details here.
  5. Then, under the 'Client credentials' tab, click 'Create'.
  6. Enter 'ChannelDock' for the name of the 'new API user' and click 'Yes, add'.
  7. Copy the public key and paste it into ChannelDock in the public key field.
  8. Go back to and click 'Show secret'. Then copy the secret key over to ChannelDock.
  9. In ChannelDock, click 'Connect channel' to complete the link.
  10. If the linking was successful, you will see the following message appear on the screen:
  11. It may now take a few minutes for your products and orders to load. Go to the 'All products' page to view your products.